Friday, February 10, 2006

Waking up is hard to do

He’s usually already up and working out before my alarm even goes off. I never would have guessed that I’d ever be able to tune out what gets him up: The classical music station cranked at full blast through his clock radio at precisely 5:15 Central every morning. I guess my years of working until midnight or 2 a.m. conditioned me to tune it out. Nonetheless, my alarm goes off at 5:30 … but I’m a snoozer, not a riser. Eventually I give in, knowing that if I don’t work out or write or take that time to myself it will be lost until tomorrow. Basically its pure will power that pulls me up so early every day, otherwise I’d sleep ’til 8. He smirks when he explains how easy waking up is for him. I just sip my coffee.

I find it interesting because, just as I've tuned out his music blast, he can't hear the AM talk radio that gets me moving. What wakes you up?

Hi! I love how you have tuned out each other's noise! We either wake up to my annoying little iron man alarm clock or if we're lucky we wake up to the sound of sea gulls squawking long before our alarm. Living next to the sea has some advantages but the seagull chorus at dawn is not one of them!
A couple of rounds of the snooze button usually, and that hideous bleeping alarm. A recent radio commercial had the brilliant idea of using the same alarm sound, and every single time I heard it I had an urge to pound on something. Shudder. Waking up is pretty easy for me, especially if it's a day when I only have to "commute" down the stairs to my writing space at the kitchen table!
Really the only thing that wakes me is my alarm clock! Over the holidays we saw these great alarm clocks that woke you up with real and loud animal noises- chickens, geese, sheep, monkeys. I thought I should have got one to start the day in laughter but alas, I refrained because of the $!
What figuratively wakes me are bright flowers, the solid love of dear family and friends, a good book that I didn't want to put down the night before...thats a start! I know what you mean about laundry mountain too- theres only my husband and I and I never understand why or how we accumulate so much laundry every week- its nuts!
I didn't comment the first time I read this post, but now that I'm catching up on my blog reading and come across this again, I see the connection between your post and the U-turn I've made in my own morning habits. So, thanks for the inspiration.
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