Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I can do it!

Oh so many times I’ve watched a kids’ TV show or finished reading one of them a book and thought “Well, I could write a better story than that!”

The time when I experienced this sensation the most was during the board book years. I mean, you pay at least $7 for a book, your kid loves it to pieces (I mean actually to pieces … my oldest son teethed on Goodnight Moon!) and they want to hear the story all the time. But, beyond the adaptations of longer stories (We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Rainbow Fish ) some of these books are frustrating in what they offer kids. I mean, can’t we at least teach our 2-year-old beginning, middle and end instead of giving them some cartoony drawings and sight words?

That’s why I love the adaptations. Plus, as the kids grew out of board books and into longer stories of more delicate construction, they were surprised to see what they had been missing. (Marcus Pfister’s Rainbow Fish series was a special treasure for my youngest early on.)

And yet, I held on to most of those board books until just a few weeks ago in a post-holiday purge. Why? Because from the very first day of kindergarten they would practice reading them themselves. Oh, the satisfaction on their little faces! “I can do it!” each of the older two exclaimed upon reading one themselves. A handful remain for the youngest. He starts kindergarten in August.

So, with that, I turn to one of his favorite authors: Rosemary Wells.

“Read to your bunny often, its twenty minutes of fun.
Its twenty minutes of moonlight. Its twenty minutes of sun.
Twenty old-favorite minutes. Twenty minutes brand-new.
Read to your bunny often, And … your bunny will read to you.”

And, as I travel the path to “a better story than that” I love combing the library stacks with them. It helps me discover styles I like. It helps me see trends I don’t. But most of all, reading with them (whether it’s Rosemary Wells, E.B. White or Valerie Tripp) reminds me of the simple truths of life and that they never change.

Keep on blogging!
I CANNOT REMEMBER MYSELF WITHOUT A BOOK OR 3 or 6 or... books- MAGAZINES-NOW -WWW ARTICLES-AND NOW BLOGS. THERE ARENT ENOUGH HOURS IN A DAY for all the reading id love to do-and that's just grownup books. Children's books are an entire wonderful universe.
I'll trade you the choc covered oreo for one of those pralines =)
Thank you for your post on my marvelous madness site earlier today! As I read your wonderful post, I was wondering if you know about SCBWI in Los Angeles- the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators? They have an amazing 4 day workshops/conferences weekend every August with well known writers and editors giving speeches and workshops- I have a feeling you'd love it! Check them out at www.scbwi.org - and let me know when you leave your writing at that 23rd mailbox in your neighborhood!
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