Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wrap it up, start fresh


The beauty of Saturdays is that there are no alarm clocks. No classical blast. No yappity yap. A gentle tap. A whisper: “Can we turn on Jimmy Neutron?” Uh-huh. I hear the pantry door open and close downstairs as one reaches for the Pop-Tarts and another turns on the TV. By the time I come down an hour later they are all under one blanket on the sofa eying SpongeBob. Mmmm. Saturday morning in America.

The rest of the day is spent with the necessary evils … were it 80 degrees in July he would be cutting the lawn while I finished all the unfinished cleaning and errands. Because it’s 8 degrees and February, he helps me inside while the kids spend the day together. We’re able to eat every meal together. Getting rid of all these nuisances is the point of the week-end so the week can have a beautiful beginning.

It’s rare to keep a New Year’s resolution, but I’m doing OK so far. I decided that a great way to carve out some time for myself was to start blogging regularly and, on Sunday afternoons, to lock myself in my bedroom and call one old friend. This has been an amazing experience for me. These are women I have known at least 10 years, some more, but with whom I haven’t spoken for about half that time.

Seriously. My best friends. Hadn’t heard their voices in as long as, in some cases, five years. It was time to make some good old-fashioned phone calls. And you would think we never missed a day together. So gratifying. So energizing. I just love these new habits!

When I was in Brownies we were in a parade down the main street of the small southern Ohio town where I lived. We sat on that float and sang a four-line song for what seemed like an eternity as that tractor trudged up that little road. Etched in my brain thanks to that journey it has new meaning to me as I’m making this one.

Make new friends
But keep the old
One is silver
And the other’s gold.

As Regis might say … phone a friend. I’d love to hear how it goes!

I will!

I have been moaning about how much I miss my friends (living so far away, it's easy to do!) But I like your plan! One a week seems like a great way to begin to reconnect. thanks!
Dear HB
What a wonderful Ritual you have created for yourself!!
Wow 8 degrees brrrrrr!!!!!
Sending some warmer desert 60 degree breezes your way =)
Hobess, it's so great that you're doing that -- I'm really bad about the phone most of the time. I think it might come from not having had a phone during the formative years of adolescence. We lived in southern Italy and there was a year-long waiting list, so we just never got one, even though one year in Italy turned into two... three... four. Whatever the reason, I hardly ever pick up the phone unless it's an emergency, and many friendships have suffered. So good for you! I'll have to make an effort too. If I can make time for blogging, I can find the time to call old friends!
oh this is just the push i need to get back in touch with someone i have been missing so much. thank you.
and i love this glimpse into your saturday morning. pop tarts. snuggles. cartoons. fantastic.
I called a friend back home yesterday after reading was the push I needed to take the time, thanks!
I love your phone calls....

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