Monday, September 25, 2006

in tune

Amazing. I was on the phone just now, staring out the back window as I usually do when I'm on the phone, when I noticed them. Nothing like the picture below, but it was as though they were coming just for me. I think it's all because I'm especially in tune with them this year. For whatever reason, their speckled wings are speaking to me, especially against that clear September sky.
One by one, as evenly spaced as Christmas lights on a string they rose over the back fence, sunk into the yard, caught a wave and disappeared over the house. Probably 30, maybe more, in the course of a half-hour conversation.
"You called us!"
"Here we are!"
"Just stop a second! Look!"
Monarch movement just for me.

Awesome. I hope they have safe travels south- haven't seen them around in a week, which means they are well on their way.

I have never seen that many Monarchs in one spot except in pictures. You are very lucky to have been witness to this gathering! ;)
Note to self: Things to do before end of life: witness in person the migration of monarchs.

In a way it must be like "all those people pulled together by the same words as they're sung".

Thanks for winging your way to my blog for a visit.
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