Monday, March 06, 2006

Vegetables and Pop Tarts

This is the smile … the smirk … the kiss I wouldn’t have each day if life went “according to plan.” This is the place where new ideas are voiced, where passion is expressed, and where vegetables shall never trespass.

This is the smile of a boy who will now be known as Mr. 5, whose smile greets me each morning over the top of a Pop Tart box and whose lips each day utter the words “Oh, Mommy, I just love you!”

This is also the place where the amoxicillin began its attack on the double ear infection that felled him. He’s back from the 102-degree brink, so many, many thanks to the scientist who figured out mold can kill more than cheese.

These same scientists should be thanked for keeping kitty from peeing everywhere except the litterbox. Poor little furry witch. Born on a farm, she has little use for people, except Hubby, who feeds her. And she especially dislikes me as I am the one who administers her antibiotic, which has killed the urinary tract infection. If you have never given a pill to a cat, there is no way to describe to you the noises that emanate from deep within her. They are lion-sized! Fur flies. Claws flail, but I love her and I stay until the pill is down. Sometimes this takes three or four tries, but how do I explain not helping kitty to that sweet-smiled boy?

So, life didn’t go exactly according to plan last week, but that’s OK. Even with modern science there's no planning the moment when a child will enter your life, no planning when he will get sick or when he will get better. There's just great joy when he arrives safely and great relief when he feels better. Besides, if life didn’t happen while I was planning other things I might run out of steamed vegetables at dinner each night and eat the Pop Tarts myself each morning.

They´re always eating pop tarts on Gilmore Girls, wish we had them here, they look delicious!
Glad to hear the little one is better.
Lovely post!
Pop Tarts are the food of the gods.

Cockroaches and Pop tatrs will survive until the end of time.
Claudia ... Perhaps we could arrange a swap of Pop Tarts and Cadbury Chocolate (if the stuff here in the states is the same as the Aussies love!)

Andy ... They wouldn't have Pop Tarts if they didn't have you!
Wonderful smile, and so well said: the kiss you wouldn't have if life went according to plan! I have wished, a not insignificant number of times, for an "accident" because it's hard to imagine just up and deciding one day to go forth and multiply, and I have thought an accident would be just the thing. In celebration of accidents: I am a proud accident myself! My brother was four months old when I was conceived (oh, my poor poor mother).

Glad he's feeling better. Hope kitty's okay too!
I've been trying to figure out how to explain that no matter what, babies will sneak up on you. Because they do! And I've been stuggling to explain it because, no matter what I type, typed words make it sound preachy or bossy or snotty or judgmental or something. My sister-in-law and I have these conversations all the time. (She doesn't have kids, though she'd love to and still hasn't ruled it out.) And talking about it does seem easier than typing about it.

What's hard to explain is that, even when you're "trying" you don't know exactly when it will happen. Whenever my other sister-in-law decides to get pregnant it just happens. I mean, seriously, off the pill today, pregnant next month. Amazing! And surprising. I have another friend who had no trouble geting pregnant the first time, but who has struggled to get pregnant again.

It took us a year after we started trying. So we, too, were surprised when it finally happened. Then we were pregnant with our second when our daughter was 4 months old. Everyone was surprised by that! Then we somehow managed things for awhile, until we were surprised by this guy.

So, what I guess I'm trying to say is that all those cliches are especially true with babies ... the best laid plans ... it will happen when you least expect it ... all that stuff. The thing I've loved learning is how to roll with the punches. (Don't laugh Andy!)

And, one last thing, it's much easier to decide when you're done building your family than it is to decide when to start building a family. Once again, modern medicine has many options in this arena, too!
Amazing how you have put together modern medicine, pop tarts and smiles.... love the post
Ha! Good post :)

I've sometimes wondered, if all technology and inventions were blipped out of existence how long it'd take people like me to create new sort of inventive replacements and medical treatments. I have to imagine that, left to non-scientific people (like me) that I'd be sticking leeches on people's foreheads to cure headaches within months. THANK GOD FOR BIG-BRAINED SCIENTISTS! And there's NO telling how long it'd have taken me to invent the Pop-Tart!

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