Wednesday, November 08, 2006

happy days are here again

It’s one of those days where all the things I should be doing are make me say: “Ah. Hmmm. Na.” And all the things I want to be doing are making me say: “K. Oh. Well … I can’t really give it the kind of time it deserves. Na.” And so time slips away into whispy thoughts on the first sunny day I can remember in awhile … maybe two weeks?

The blue birds are back. They make me feel so strong. The trees and farmland that once surrounded my sub-urban landscape have been plowed down, making way for more driveways and vinyl siding. Yet these little troupers persist, today seeking refuge in the neighbor’s 25-foot tall ornamental grasses before swooping down for a bite to eat. I couldn’t get any good shots of their color but will keep trying. They are native to Missouri and so pop up at the strangest of times in my backyard.

The cat has migrated from the dining room to her winter nest … at the foot of my husband’s side of the bed. She gets good sun there for a good portion of the day and generally doesn’t budge unless I or the dog comes near her. Her migration is usually triggered by the absence of bugs and birds to watch from the windows as it gets colder. It always cracks me up, though, the way she can snap from her slumber and pounce to the next thing. It’s nice enough I opened some windows just now and she can’t decide which one will make the best perch.

My post-election thoughts resemble antelope scattered by a big cat’s pounce! Show me? Show me! We’ll show you! Just when I’m bracing myself for the backlash—the kind of bumpkin comments we endured after “voting for a dead guy”—my fellow Missourians remind the nation what it means to be a bellwether state. You just can’t tell what in the hell we might vote through! Dear Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, and Co.: First, let’s set an old record strait. We voted for the dead guy to get rid of John Ashcroft. Fat lot of good it did us. Oh well, water under the bridge. Now, please stop saying turn-out for Claire McCaskill helped get stem cell passed. I’d like to think turn-out for stem cell got Claire McCaskill elected. People I know turned-out to vote on the issues, despite being turned off by candidates of every shade. Thank heavens. I think we look so much better in purple than in either red or blue.

Finally, the clean machine, part two. The other day I was wildly motivated, taking Capt. Kindergarten to his room on a mission to find some carpet. I put him on the school bus after lunch and went back in. Every drawer emptied and re-filled with only what belongs there. Now that he has his stuff put away he has places to spread out and play and he is all the happier for it. Poor hubby, though. The job of purging the toys the kids have outgrown falls to him. (He’ll give away so much more than I will!) Next is my daughter’s room, which I like to call an organized mess. Like me, she sees no need to tackle it if the stack still stands up!

OK, one thing I really can’t skip doing … time to cook dinner.

I love the image of your cat on the bed. It just invokes the coming of winter.
Our cats have seasonal perches too. Creemore is slumbering on our Tivo, while the boys curl up on the bed duvet and blankets at this time of year. We still have birds and squirrels in the back just off the balcony, which I open for a few minutes each day regardless of the weather, just to get fresh air in. The cats frequnetly venture out, drawn by the wind, the snow, or whatever noise interests them. If birds have the audacity to make a sound nearby, they are quick to the window or balcony ledge. All that evolution...
You mean drawers are designated for certain items? Mine seem to be catch-alls for lots of different things......hmmmmm, guess I'll have to get organized now since you are! LOL
Oh Martie! It's only in the one room ... the rest of the house is still in it's usual state of looking organized, but really, if you open anything you feel like Fred Flintstone! Remember those cartoons where all the stuff would fall on him from the closet? :)
Wonderful light on the grasses!
Everyone seems to be in the midst of organizing things --- does sending three bags of books off the the Friends of the Library count? :)
The beginning of the post made me giggle and nod my head because I am there too these past few days-heck all of it was charming.

I still can't believe the results myself! And I LOVE that Missouri voted in "the dead guy" - I'll take almost anyone over Ashcroft THOUGH for a time he did have the last word with his appointment by Bush. Fortunately, he is out of that position now. Have you ever heard him sing btw? I wish he'd pursue that instead, as usually the more people can pursue their creativity they have less time and inclination perhaps to pursue their more destructive impulses!
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