Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sunday Scribblings: First Love

I was so young when I found Hubby, so fortunate that ours has been a connection unbroken for so long. Sometimes I trivialize the losses I felt before him, though those magnified emotions of adolescence certainly shaped the girl he met half our lifetime ago.

I had thought of writing a letter to my daughter for this prompt, what I might say to her someday when love is lost. For, it seems to me, first love and true love are two separate beasts. But first love and first loss are intrinsically linked.

When I was 12 Mike E. kissed me there at the skating rink … me with my skates off and him with his skates on so we’d be the same height. Well, when I was 12 that felt like love. And when he kissed someone else I felt lost … loss … both, really.

When I was 16 and Mike P. gave me his class ring it felt like a promise. It felt like love. When I realized what I felt was far more than what he felt I had to give the ring back. I felt lost … loss … both really.

When I was 17 and spent my summer pining for Jason—one on a long list of guys who saw me only as a friend—it felt like love, the worst kind really, unrequited love. Again the loss. Then when I was 18 I left for college and there he was, my husband, her dad.

So what could I tell my daughter about first love? What could I say to ease her pain when her love kisses someone else, or doesn’t feel what she does, or confides in her about another, never once thinking to lean over and kiss her?

Perhaps I should say: “These are lessons in love. First love is still out there, waiting for you.”

First love is when your beloved is your best friend. It’s when your beloved confides in you ... then leans over for that kiss. First love is your beloved's never kissing someone else. First love is reciprocated. And yes, even this can be lost. Lucky for me, first love stuck.

Such a lovely story, infused with emotion. Thank you!
Lovely -- and I agree. What we call first "love" is so rarely love, and it's wonderful you found your true love so young. I could have eliminated alot of B.S. from my life by meeting Jim earlier, but then, who knows what building blocks of my identity would never have been set in place by those experiences, and who I would be now? Funny to think how we are all so shaped by our life paths, and how differently we could have turned out with slight differences in the path -- if you'd gone to college somewhere else, for example. Weird.
Congratulations.....I love stories like these. Make sure that he knows the story too. While they may not admit it, I think most guys like to be seen as a hero. It sounds like you found yours
Your story is very familiar to me, and I congratulate you on finding and appreciating real love. Your daughter will too, because you and your husband have given her such a good example of it.

May your love last like mine has - 30 years and counting!
'...first love and true love are two separate beasts...'
I've never thought of love from this perspective before and reading it makes me realise just how right you are! Thanks for this bit of wisdom.
What a wonderful way to express your enperiences--- May you find continued joy in your true love!
This is so moving! I wish we all could find such true, longlasting love. How much easier, safer, and beautiful our lives could be. I wish for all of us to know such a love as you have.
I have been lucky enough to have found "true love" twice. My first husband and the father of my children passed away after 8 years of marriage. I remarried some years later and have now been married for 16 years. I am very fortunate to have been lucky twice!
It often takes a long time for us to find this kind of love. I would tell your daughter that - and no matter how long it takes, "real" love is worth waiting for and she should never settle for anything less.
Lovely post. I think learning to cope with loss is a part of life, and our perspectives change as we get older. We can look back and think things in retrospect were little, but at the time, the emotions are very real and very painful. It's important to remember that young people feel it that way, and not to minimise their feelings.

“These are lessons in love. First love is still out there, waiting for you.” This is so great. I would have loved to hear that when I was younger (and older). It holds so much promise.
Great lessons to tell your daughter.

I am happy your first love stuck.
Good for you. Thanks for sharing this.
very wise thoughts
thanks for sharing
Very lucky you! Congratulations on your first love.
This was just so sweet, and so true! How wonderful for you to have found your true love so early in life. I did, too. I am as greatful as you sound. ;)

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